Car Accident Law in New Orleans, LA
If you have been injured in a car accident and need an experienced attorney, then contact Cliff Cardone at the Cardone Law Firm. Your personal injury claim will be handled by a skilled professional who can best advise you how to proceed when you are injured in an automobile accident as a result of someone else's negligence. The Cardone Law Firm fights for the best possible outcome for our clients.
According to LSU Data Reports, a crash involving an automobile occurs in Louisiana every 3 minutes and 43 seconds. In 2013, there was an estimated 43,723 car accidents in Louisiana that caused injury to the driver, passengers, or both.
Negligence Law In LouisianaAmericans spend hundreds of hours in automobiles each year. Automobiles have changed the way people live over the years. Vehicles have become an integral aspect of our daily life providing great convenience as well as the ability to transport goods over long distances. With these advantages come some drawbacks. Auto accidents have become a common everyday occurrence. Car collisions are routinely caused by inattentive drivers such as people on the phone, drunk drivers, and others who carelessly operate their vehicle. Injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to paralysis or even death. Whenever you are in a car accident you need to be sure to have an experienced New Orleans personal injury attorney in your corner to represent you and get you the justice you deserve. If you need legal assistance in handling your car accident Phone Cardone at 1-504-522-3333.
- Car Accidents Related To Cell Phones
- Drunk Diving Accidents - DWI / DUI
- Collisions Involving Pedestrians and Cyclists
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Recreational Vehicle Accidents
- Fatal Car Accidents / Wrongful Death Claim
- Hit and Run Accidents
- Underinsured / Uninsured Motorist Accidents
- Rear-End Collisions
- Aggressive Driving Accidents
- Head-On Collisions
- Collisions with Animals
- Intersection Collisions
- Chain Reaction / Multi-Vehicle Accidents
- Teen Car Accidents
- Emergency Vehicle Crashes
- Roll Over Accidents
- “No-Pay, No-Play” Law in Louisiana
- Uninsured Motorist Claims
- Side Swipe / Lane Change Accidents
- Uber/ Lyft Accidents
- Parking Lot Accidents
- Shoulder of Road Accidents
Louisiana passed a statewide law prohibiting the use of wireless devices, such as cell phones, for writing, sending, or reading text-based communications, regardless of age. New drivers with “learner’s” or “intermediate” licenses are prohibited from using cell phones entirely while driving in Louisiana. Recently, in 2013, Legislation banning the use of social media, such as Twitter or Facebook, while driving was signed into law. These new driving laws may be relevant in determining fault in your automobile accident claim.
Compensation And DamagesCosts that are typically associated with a car accident are multiple. They include:
- Hospital and Doctor Bills
- Towing Charges
- Prescription Bills
- Home Care by Healthcare Providers
- Repairs to Car
- Loss of Value of Car Due to Property Damage
- Future Medical Costs
- Loss of Income or Earning Capacity
There are other types of damages known as “GENERAL DAMAGES” that can be associated with a car accident for example:
- Mental Pain and Suffering
- Physical Pain and Suffering
- Loss of Enjoyment of Life
- Punitive & Exemplary Damages
- Disfigurement
- Loss of Society, Support and Services
- Loss of Gratuitous Services
While medical and property damages are easy to determine because they are documented by bills and invoices, the pain and suffering a person endures from an auto-accident injury cannot be determined by an invoice. Instead, the value for pain and suffering is calculated through a legal process that has developed within Louisiana Courts over decades. Accordingly, an injured party requires a legal expert to ensure that he or she recovers the most possible under the law for their auto-accident injuries.
What To Do If You Are In A Car AccidentWhile nobody wants to be involved in an auto accident, it is important to know what to do if you are ever in that situation. Here is a list of things you should do if you are ever a party involved in a car accident.
- Stop immediately.
- Stay calm! Do not yell or get angry at the other driver(s). What you say after the accident may be important later when determining who was at fault.
- Do not argue, accuse or make any admission of guilt.
- Call the Police. When the police officer arrives, be pleasant, cooperative and truthful. As the police officer gathers all the necessary information regarding the accident, sometimes the officer does not place anyone at fault. Sometimes the officer may name the wrong driver at fault. Further, maybe there was more than two vehicles involved and more than one driver at fault. Either way, be as honest and compliant as you can. The police report is an official record that could be used in determining fault.
- Get Police Item Number, Get Liable Persons Insurance Company Name and Policy Number
- Never admit fault. When answering the police officer’s questions or if you are talking to the other party involved in the accident, be truthful but do not admit you were at fault.
- Gather information. Specifically, make sure to get the name and contact information for all parties involved in the accident including telephone numbers, addresses, and email addresses. Be sure to get the license plate number of all parties and each party’s car insurance information. Keep a record of the names and contact information from any witnesses.
- Take pictures with your cell phone. Make sure you take pictures of the actual location of the vehicles involved in the accident, the damage to the cars and license plates.
- Tell the Police Officer if you noticed any suspicious behavior of the person causing the crash such as swerving or the smell of alcohol.
- See a doctor immediately if you are experiencing even minor pain. Even seemingly minor injuries can result in severe injuries requiring substantial and costly medical services.
- Phone Cardone, an experienced personal injury attorney, at the Cardone Law Firm at 504-522-3333.
- Cliff can arrange for you to see a doctor within minutes of your car wreck. So call him as soon as it is safe to do so at 504-522-3333.
Because an auto accident can create multiple issues and significant losses, an injured party should hire an experienced New Orleans lawyer who not only handles car accidents for injured parties, but also has the resources necessary to provide for an injured person's medical needs as well as the hiring of experts from a variety of fields in order to increase the value of the case. Cliff Cardone has practiced law nearly 40 years and has primarily handled personal-injury matters. He has the expertise and resources necessary to address an injury victim’s needs. If you have been injured in a car collision, Phone Cardone at 504-522-3333 for a free in person consultation. He is direct, insightful, proactive and passionate about his client’s cases.
- Car Accidents Related To Cell Phones
- Drunk Driving Accidents - DWI / DUI
- Collisions Involving Pedestrians and Cyclists
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Recreational Vehicle Accidents
- Fatal Car Accidents / Wrongful Death Claim
- Hit and Run Accidents
- Underinsured / Uninsured Motorist Accidents
- Rear-End Collisions
- Aggressive Driving Accidents
- Head-On Collisions
- Collisions with Animals
- Intersection Collisions
- Chain Reaction / Multi-Vehicle Accidents
- Teen Car Accidents
- Emergency Vehicle Accidents
- Roll Over Accidents
- Uninsured Motorist Claims
- Side Swipe / Lane Change Accidents
- Uber/ Lyft Accidents
- Parking Lot Accidents
- Whiplash Injuries
- Elderly Car Accidents
- Shoulder of Road Accidents
- Fog Accidents